Take Action (6)
What Is Beneficial Electrification?
Using energy wisely with demand response programs. Program for leased or electric vehicle power with no added costs
Recognifing the value of electric vehicle there are EV demo days; we reach out to members with electric vehicles - like an antique car show. Opportunity to get a test drive of an electric vehicle
time of use rate charging 10pm and 6am
Variety of fact sheets from Touchstone Energy - what it means and how they understand the terms
Goal 50% renewables by 2030; state legislature passed 80% carbon reduction by 2050
Electrify everything - capital equipment
Valued product but loss of attachment; 87% of respondents say transition is a very good idea
Focus messaging on being energy wise
Develop special toolkits Energywise/mn store
Support EV owners = charge at no added cost
Talk about electrification opportunities and rebate programs
Heat pumps and water heaters
Opportunities to bring fresh vegetables to food deserts in container planting
Pilot projects are another great way to get messages out
Identify growth opportunity - expand container farming awareness and implementation
Benefits of going electric - Great River Electric - just being able to breathe is the easiest way to say it
Goal of 50% renewables by 2030
Increased electrification as a way to grow sales
We still have a workforce that understands how to do things before we had technology; we still know how to do things the old ways
The technology has become critical. The next wave will begin with a promise of reliability. We must promise that before we start
With 92% residential - we are looking for a homebuilder looking for better reliability; we might be able to get engaged with a builder
Decided to build a microgrid with a backup generator to handle the whole neighborhood (propane with battery backup) Why wouldn't you go all electric if you are 100% resilient - all electric with solar backup
Smart Thermostat Discount
Heat Pump Rebates
OnBill Financing for Energy Efficiency
Community Solar Leasing
Appliance Leasing Programs
EV Charging Discounts
by age 18 to 34
35 to 54
55 to 74
Call it smart electrification or beneficial electrification
focus on saving money specifically on electric bill
Refer to electricity as efficient, economic and reliable. Refer to it as clean when the source is solar, wind or hydro
Present the benefit of saing money electrifying your home keeps more money in your pocket
touchstoneenergy.com - energy solutions
Call Congress: Ensure Coal Companies Pay Their Fair Share To Provide Benefits to Miners With Black Lung
Contact Us at virginia@poorpeoplescampaign.org